We only like the good stuff. We aim to bring the best products to the scandinavian marked, whilst providing the highest possible levels of service and support. That´s why we are distributers/representives & dealers of only premium brands.
Add Vetro Music is proud to represent premium brands in scandinavia.
have a groundbreaking sales concept and a new idea of how to keep the highest service level, and a good price.
We are a small company working close with the brands we represent and also the customers buying from us. We know a lot about great tone... and that´s what we wouldlove to spread forward.
Don´t hesitate to contact us.
Vi gillar bara dom bra prylarna. Vi jobbar med premium boutique effektpedaler & förstärkare från de bästa märkerna i välden.
Vi jobbar nära våra leverantörer men kanske ännu närmare våra kunder.
Testa oss - vi kan mycket & hjälper er gärna.
Vi har bara det bästa att erbjuda - men det finns i olika prisklasser & vi är alltid konkurrenskraftiga.
Tveka inte att höra av er.
Jeff Rasley